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30 March 2015 09:30AM-05:30PMthoughtbot boston

Beginning Ember.js

This single-day workshop will get you acquainted with the basic knowledge that's required to start writing Ember.js applications.

What we'll cover

We'll be building an application together that will cover the following:

  • Ember-CLI: What it is and how to use it.
  • Generating applications with Ember-CLI.
  • Overview of the Ember project structure.
  • Adding routes and resources.
  • Working with Handlebars.
  • Understanding Controllers.
  • Using Ember-Data to manage models.
  • Using Ember-Data adapters.
  • Working with associations.
  • How outlets and named outlets work.
  • Writing and using components.

All you need to know

You should have a good understanding of JavaScript and your own computer running Linux or OS X with Node and NPM installed.

Beginning Ember.js costs $600 for the workshop and includes lunch.  Sign up with your email address, and we'll contact you to arrange payment by PayPal, invoice, or your favorite payment method.

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